Advice for Democratic Women running for Political Office
Delaware Co. Democratic Party member Rayna Patton felt inspired to write the following after watching the #FocusForward: Women Changing Course to Change the World forum on March 29, 2021: Women in politics, women vision driven Women working hard for change instead of passive living Passionate, vigorous, and most of all committed To justice and to […]
2,000+ pounds of food collected for the needy in Delaware

DELAWARE, Ohio (March 15, 2020) — The Delaware County Democratic Party gathered over 2,000 pounds of food and supplies for needy families during a drive-through food drive in Delaware on Saturday. Volunteers plan to deliver the items and financial donations this week to People in Need of Delaware County, The Hunger Alliance of Delaware County […]
Delaware Gazette highlights party’s antiracism forum
The Delaware Gazette published the article, “Virtual panel talks allyship, anti-racism” highlighting the Delaware County Democratic Party’s antiracism forum, which was held on Feb. 10, 2021. Read the article here. You may watch the entire forum here.
Antiracism: What we can do in Delaware County
To honor Black History Month, we’d like to invite you to an important conversation addressing racism in our community. This discussion is the next in our #FocusFoward series of conversations on the issues our party is focusing on in 2021. The forum will be hosted by Andre Washington, a Delaware City precinct representative and newly elected […]
Help us ensure Ohio’s legislative & Congressional maps are fair
Ohio is preparing to redraw its legislative and congressional maps. During our virtual forum on Jan. 14, 2021, we welcomed speakers from All on the Line, Common Cause Ohio and How Things Work at the Statehouse — three groups doing amazing work to ensure our districts are fair. You can watch the forum here. Voters approved […]
Former county chair Henry Banks passes away

I was saddened this week to hear of the passing of Henry Banks. I met Henry in 1996 at an obvious place, a meeting of the Delaware County Democratic Party. Henry was a fixture of the party and had served as Chair and was one of our Democratic members of the Delaware County Board of Elections for 16 years. Along with serving us as a member of the Board of Elections, Henry served for years as a member of the Delaware County Jury Commission.
Remembering Volunteer Greg Hankins
Our Delaware County Democratic Party lost a dedicated member and volunteer on Oct. 19, 2020 when Greg Hankins passed away from heart disease. Greg lived in Delaware with his life partner Julie Houston since 2005. During that time he attended most executive committee meetings and volunteered in many capacities. He staffed tables for the Delaware Farmer’s Market, Delaware […]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Events
Our community has a proud tradition honoring civil rights hero Marin Luther King, Jr., life and legacy. As we approach Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 18, 2021, things will look slightly different. Delaware The Delaware County Democratic Party has long supported the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast in Delaware, hosted by the […]
Delaware County Board of Elections Board Vote
At our regular Executive Committee meeting on January 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., we need to vote for one of the two Democrats to recommend to the Ohio Secretary of State to serve on the Delaware County Board of Elections. As you may know, I (Peg Watkins) currently hold this seat, and would like to continue for another […]
Longtime Democrat and Township Trustee Roger Van Sickle Retiring
Longtime Delaware County Democrat and Delaware Township Trustee, Roger Van Sickle, is retiring from public service. Roger served 41 years as township trustee. He also served our country in the armed forces, served Delaware County on various boards and committees including being president of the Delaware County Trustees Association, Treasurer of the Delaware Transit Agency […]