Run for Office
Are you ready to make a difference in your community? You can run for office in Delaware County! As a Democratic candidate in a partisan or non-partisan election, our party can support your efforts. The Delaware County Democratic Party is growing and our vote share has increased greatly since the 2018 mid-term elections.
Every year offers new election opportunities in Delaware County. The even years include elections from precinct representatives to countywide and State House offices. Odd years are all about local elections in your township, village, city council and for school board.
Here are the offices that will be up for election in 2024. Incumbents are in parentheses
President/Vice President (Biden/Harris)
US Senate (Brown)
US House
District 4 (Jordan)
District 12 (Balderson)
5th District Court of Appeals
Term Exp 2/8/25 (John Wise)
Term Exp 2/10/25 (Patricia Delaney)
Term Exp 2/9/25 (Scott Gwin)
Ohio Supreme Court Justice
Term Exp 12/31/24 (Donnelly)
Term Exp 12/31/24 (Deters)
Term Exp 1/1/25 (Stewart)
State Board of Education (Collins)
Ohio House District 60 (Lorenz)
Ohio House District 61 (Lear)
County Offices
Commissioner (Merrill)
Commissioner (Benton)
Coroner (Hickman)
Engineer (Bauserman)
Treasurer (Rankey)
Recorder (M Jordan)
Sheriff (Balzer)
Clerk of Court, Common Pleas (Fravel)
Prosecutor (Schiffel)
Common Pleas Judge (Schuck)
If you are considering running for any of the county offices, remember that you must file with the Board of Elections no later than December 20.
We support candidates running in Delaware County, Ohio. The Candidate Support Committee provides information and resources to candidates and works to recruit and train new candidates. Contact the committee chair, Joyce Bourgault, at for more information.
Candidate Training
LEAD Ohio offers training programs for candidates and campaign staff. Click here for more information.
HURRY ===>>> the deadline to apply for the 2024 LEAD Ohio Candidate Academy is November 12, 2023.

Run for Central Committee
We have a constant need for committed Democrats to serve on Central Committee. Each precinct can have a Central Committee representative, whose role is to be the go-to resource for Democrats in the precinct.
Central Committee members are elected in the primary election in even-numbered years and serve two-year terms. If you’re interested in running for Central Committee, check with Peg to find out what it involves, and to find out if your precinct is already represented. If your precinct is already represented, you have the option to run against the incumbent, or you can serve on the Executive Committee, which has no membership limits.
If you decide to run in 2024, you will need to file with the Board of Elections by December 20, 2023.
About Endorsements
Potential endorsements are vetted by the Candidate Support Committee and voted on by the Delaware County Democratic Party Executive Committee.
The party does not endorse a candidate in a contested primary. The party will, however, consider endorsing ballot issues. The party does endorse before the general election. Contact us if you would like to learn more about the screening process.