Executive / Central Committee Meeting – June 2021

The meeting tonight was held jointly via Zoom as well as in-person at the Delaware County Township Hall.  There were 69 total persons attending (32 mems, 12 guests, 25 via Zoom).

Chair Peg Watkins promptly opened the meeting at 7:06 pm   She began by inviting Roo Dirrig to lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Old business

Secretary report – Peg stated that the minutes from last month were posted on the website for review.  Any questions, comments?  None voiced.  Motion to accept the minutes was made by Lee Lybarger, seconded by Steve Schottel.  No objections – majority approved and motion passed.

Treasurer report –  Roo Dirrig read her report (a screen shot was posted but due to lighting, it was difficult see)  She was open to any questions.  None expressed. Motion was made by Cheryl Luce to accept the report, seconded by Dave Simmons. Majority vote approved and motion passed.

Guest speaker Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley then joined our meeting via Zoom.  She eagerly spoke of her desires as she begins her campaign to run for Ohio Governor.  She expressed her difficulties during her tenure, such as the violent shootings, weather destruction, and the opioid challenges.  She said she is “ready to do something” to make Ohio a better place, a place to be proud of.  She stressed the importance of Delaware County to build our strengths in the party, and thanked everyone for their efforts. She says we (Ohio) have no partners in Columbus, and Ohioans deserve better.  She will appreciate support going forward.  After her delivery, she did take a few questions.  Peg thanked her for being with us.

Peg invited Anthony Saadey from the Bd of Elections to share some exciting news.  He stated that after recently attending a Secretary of State Conference, the Delaware County Bd. Of Elections was surprisingly presented an award for outstanding performance on the November election process.  He also mentioned that our county was ranked second in voter turnout.

Committee Reports

Anti-Racism –  Jenny reported the intention to start a book club.  The first book being read is “Me and White Supremacy”.  Anyone interested can participate through sign-up genius.

Events –  Holly Hanson is excited that all events will be listed and available for volunteers on sign-up genius.  She  said volunteers are needed for 4th Fridays in Westerville, 1st Fridays in Delaware, the Sunbury Jul 3rd parade, July 4th parade in Delaware.  She said our major event is the “Catch a Rising Star” which is scheduled at the Little Bear Club House in Lewis Center.  Guest speaker secured is Tim Ryan.  Please look forward to attending the event dated August 5th.

She also noted the Adopt a Highway program has a sign displayed at Rte 23 & Old State Rd. and there is a plan to organize a cleanup on July 5th and volunteers are encouraged to join the help.

Also, Saturday is Juneteenth and there is intended presence at the morning event.

Powell fest is scheduled for June 26th.

PROD –  Judy Carpenter spoke about her and her co-chair Jack have not yet had the opportunity to meet but it is planned soon.  She has recently retired and is eager to work towards a goal for the committee.  She is concerned with a vision for PROD, and hopes to spotlight Democratic values, being at events and inform candidates on issues, reaching out to voters and increasing voter turnout.

Candidates – Joyce has once again thanked all the persons on the committee, reminded that they are available with a good deal of information as well as funds.  The committee has had conversation with Imran Malik who is running for Dublin School Board. Feel free to reach out to them if you entertain the possible interest in an office or know someone to refer.

Peg also mentioned that the Bd of Elections will also be offering another candidate school.

Young Dems –  Anyone interested is suggested to contact Caleb Lohr

Then Peg then introduced our interested candidates, to date.

Melanie Farkas – is actively running for Powell trustee and is asking for any help with                                     postcards or any way you can. 

David Carpenter announced that he will be pursuing the, now open, position on Delaware City Council after a recent resignation.

Alex Hickman is running for Westerville City Council re-election and hopes for any support.

Since the meeting ran overtime, there was no close of the meeting, and the attendees began leaving.  There is no motion to close.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Berry
