County Democrats declare racism a public health crisis
The Delaware Gazette interviewed our chair, Peg Watkins, and member, Andre Washington, co-chair of the ad hoc committee tasked to draft our resolution to declare racism a public health crisis, for the article, “County Democrats declare racism a public health crisis.”
Watkins: Trump out of touch with suburban Ohio

This guest column from our chair, Peg Watkins, appeared in the Delaware Gazette on Aug. 1, 2020. Last week, Donald Trump tweeted that the “Suburban Housewives of America” should read an article. Apparently, he thinks everyone in our country lives in some version of a TV reality show and that the rest of us read […]
Delaware County Democratic Party calls on state and local leaders to join the party in fighting racist policies and practices

The Delaware County Democratic Party is calling on Gov. Mike DeWine, Ohio legislative leaders and Delaware County commissioners to join the party in its declaration of racism as a public health crisis and enacting equity in all state and county policies and practices. The party passed the resolution during their monthly Executive Committee meeting on […]
Save the Date: Democrats Got Talent

Save the date for Democrats Got Talent, a fundraiser for the Delaware County Democratic Party. More information coming soon!
Letter to the Editor: Voting access is under attack

The following Letter to the Editor from member Melanie Farkas was published in the Delaware Gazette on July 16, 2020. While Ohio’s Secretary of State, Frank LaRose highlights the need to vote, utilizing in-person early voting, absentee voting or voting in person on Election Day (“LaRose: Time to recommit to active citizenship,” July 9, 2020), […]
More masks and more styles!

**we are out of masks** Wear your mask with pride! Delaware County Democratic Party volunteers are making masks using Democratic fabric and they are available for at least a $5 donation to the party. We have several fabrics and styles available. All styles have a nose wire. They are going fast so sign up now! […]
Letter to the Editor: Everybody deserves birth control coverage

The following Letter to the Editor from our vice-chair, Aileen Wagner, was published in the Delaware Gazette on July 16, 2020. I took birth control for endometriosis and to allow my husband and me to wait until we were financially stable before having children. While I am no longer able to take birth control, it […]
“Redistricting U” training with All On The Line
Katy Shanahan, the Ohio State Director with All On The Line, will hold a webinar training on Monday, July 27, at 7:00pm. This organization is the program affiliate of former President Barack Obama U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee and is dedicated to end gerrymandering and restore fairness to our elections and democracy. […]