Campaign HQ
We are connected to the Coordinated Campaign for the state, and have let them know that we would like to share the space with them if they find somewhere in Delaware County. We will keep you informed, but don’t expect anything before June.
We are always looking for new volunteers. You can contact any officer, committee chair, or regional leader, or just go here: volunteer to help DCDP. We will find you something to do.
Our county party is organized into geographic regions. Each region has one or more regional leads. You can contact the leads for your region by email:
- Dublin-Powell
- Orange (aka Columbus/Orange/Berlin, aka COB)
- Westerville-Genoa
We also have a committee called RAPID (Regions and Precincts in Development), led by Holly Hanson and Bill Shelby. Its job is to coordinate, encourage, and support the regions as they work to get out the vote, support local Democratic candidates, get petitions signed, recruit volunteers, and all the other things that can make the party successful.
Writers’ Group
We have a small group of dedicated volunteers who write letters to the editor. If you are interested in joining them, contact Margo Bartlett.
The communications committee takes care of our website, social media, mailing lists, and other data. Right now we are looking for a volunteer to handle the sound system for meetings. Email the committee if you’re interested.
Please consider making a gift (either one-time or recurring) to the Delaware County Democratic Party to either our General Fund or the State Candidates Fund. It’s easy! Either go to our website or click on the QR Codes below. To donate by check, make it payable to DCDP and mail it to P.O. Box 872, Delaware, OH 43015. Please note that if you wish to donate by check to EACH fund, you will need to write two separate checks.

Chair, Peg Watkins
1st Vice Chair, Joydeep Gupta
2nd Vice Chair, Holly Hanson
Treasurer, Lisa Saponaro
Secretary, Corey McCaffery