Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – Jan. 2021
Note: Until further notice, due to the current Coronavirus situation, we are continuing to hold our regular monthly business meetings in the Zoom process
Executive / Central Committee Meeting January 21, 2020
Prior to opening the meeting, Liz Osorio, Parliamentarian, reminded everyone about the process of Robert’s Rules. She said the four Golden rules are 1) to listen, 2) to stay focused, 3) be attentive to motives and 4) be polite.
Peg invited everyone to join in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 77 persons in attendance.
The first slides shown were in recognition of our new President Joseph R. Biden and Vice-president Kamala Harris.
Secretary report – the November minutes were posted on the website for review. Peg asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Motion was made by Cara Posey, seconded by Heather Karr. No objections or corrections. Motion passed. Barb Berry also stated that our membership renewal process is going well and we are well ahead of last year at this time. As of today, we have 89 memberships paid, including recurring donations.
Treasurer’s report – Roo is out with family tending to her father’s health. At this time we are not addressing the budget. Her monthly report is posted as usual for review. A motion to accept the report was made by John Helwig, seconded by Heather Karr. All favored and motion passed to accept. Interest on our account is reported and the CD is dedicated funds for the Parker Scholarship.
The Executive Committee list has been updated to reflect deletions and new members will be added. A list of the perspective new members was posted for review. There was again, brief discussion related to the clarity of Executive vs Central Committee. Brian Jaffe voiced that it was most important to fill vacant precincts first. Melanie Farkas made the motion to accept those persons listed, motion was seconded by Barb McBride. Mindy voiced her desire to have information further in advance of actions taking place. John Schmarr clarified the Central Committee members become the Executive at our reorganization. Heather attests to these also. Judy Carpenter inquired if all of these recommended persons were verified about their interest, voting records and party support. Peg requested the meeting be opened to admit the new parties. The oath was posted on the screen for them to recite as Peg led them.
Vice chair, Aileen Wagner took over to direct attention to the matter of the term for the position on the Delaware County Board of Elections. She briefed on the position and its requirements. Peg currently holds that position and has expressed her desire for re-election. Joyce Bourgault made a motion to nominate Peg and Jack Berlekamp seconded the motion. Nominations from the floor was opened and none voiced. Mike Kabler made the motion to close the nominations, John Helwig seconded. Peg used allotted time to share her background and experience and appreciated the opportunity to be considered again. Show of hands vote was taken and Peg was re-elected.
Chair’s Report
With regard to the November election, Delaware County narrowed the margins better than ever.
ODP has selected Liz Walters as the new ODP State Chairperson, and our own Andre Washington has been elected the new Vice Chair. We are very proud and Congratulations to Andre.
Sherrod Brown is hoping for continued support from Delaware County going forward.
Long time Democrat Roger VanSickle has decided it’s time to retire. We thank him for all he has done for our party and the progress of our county. We wish him well.
Another very active Democrat, Henry Banks has recently passed. He was a past party Chair, BOE Board member and community influence. Memorial gifts are requested for 2nd Baptist Church. Joydeep made the motion to send a check and Tony Yankus seconded.
There was a moment of silence in honor of Henry Banks and our dear friend and partner to Julie Houston, Executive Committee member Greg Hankins, who passed away in October.
Committee Reports
Candidates & Campaigns – Joyce Bourgault explained that the committee has decided to have 3 breakout subcommittees to help with candidates. Steve Mount, after his campaign challenges, expressed his support for their desire to help future candidates.
PROD – Pam Warrick said much work has taken place organizing Dems and reaching out for new persons to get involved. She welcomed tonight’s new members and said we should continue targeting vacant precincts. Cathi has stepped out of the co-chair of the committee and Judy Carpenter has taken her place.
Communications – Melanie stated there is no report at this time.
Discussion – Brian Jaffe expressed his opinion regarding ‘point of order’ , calling to question, and Robert’s Rules. This opened to discussion about who is unmuted at a meeting. Peg explained in the essence of time constraints, it would be difficult to keep order if everyone was unmuted, therefor the hand raised option is in play. Liz Osorio advised that she was responding privately to several questions regarding procedures via chat which allowed the meeting to continue without any delays
or interruptions to the open meeting.
Peg mentioned upcoming events. Regular monthly meetings will continue going forward on the third Thursday, as usual.
Melanie Farkas made a motion to adjourn, Steve Schottle seconded.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Berry