Executive Central Committee Meeting – October 2021
Meeting Minutes October 21, 2021
Under recommendation of ODP, we have returned to virtual Zoom meetings until further notice. This month’s meeting was held via Zoom.
The meeting was opened by Chair Peg Watkins, at 7:05 pm. With approximately 42 persons in attendance.
Since Melanie Farkas is currently focused on her campaign, Peg acknowledged the new tec team of Anthony Saadey, Joydeep Gupta and Caleb Lohr. She expressed appreciation for their stepping up into the need.
Parliamentarian Liz Osorio, once again, reminded everyone of Robert’s Rules and the appropriateness of meeting etiquette. Please be courteous and respectful and act in a peaceful manner. She will be available for chat or text messages. She also mentioned of those eligible to vote on matters.
Peg invited Anthony Saadey to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Old Business
Secretary report – After a correction, in the September minutes, James Siepec made a motion to accept and Robert Davis seconded, motion passed. In the absence of Barb Berry, Indu Rajan took the October minutes. Steve Schottle made the motion to accept as written and seconded by Melissa Cassoli seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer report – Report was screened, David Simmons made the motion to accept as shown, seconded by Heidi Yoder. Poll approved by majority.
Fundraising – Holly reported that the CARS event generated about $4000.00 after expenses. She also reminded of the future events.
Jack Berlekamp reported that the Region meetings have been successful. The goal is to strengthen the regions in effort to prepare for the statewide election next year. He encouraged filling any vacant precincts. Check with people you know or volunteers. We are also looking forward to volunteers to visit confined persons and nursing homes to assist with the election process. Also he has been receiving help with Vote Builder from Toby West, at ODP.
Peg encouraged reps to refile as the deadline is Fen. 2nd.
Special topic – John Schmarr spoke for his committee about the challenging effort to update and revise our by-laws. They have not changed since 1989. The committee is not urging changes simply presenting suggestions to the Executive committee for discussion. Liz stated that topic discussions will be limited in time.
Some of the topics of interest were – 1) should terms of office be 2yrs vs 4yrs. Many expressed opinions, but it seemed most preferred the existing 2 yr. program. 2) should we continue the current “large” Executive committee structure or should we elect a more “compact” Executive committee, similar to other Ohio county Democratic parties, that will focus on the detail work of managing the party governance and advising the Chair on key decisions.
After many comments from various attendees, all is taken into consideration before any changes are implemented. Liz indicated many comments in the chat room which caused some distraction. There was lengthy discussion regarding investing some of our $$, exact profit from the Cars event, (comparing the expenditures to the budget) Peg asked if another Zoom meeting for extensive discussion could be considered. Mike Kabler and Kathy Holdren encouraged that option.
Chair’s report
Peg noted that voting should come from the heart and everyone should educate themselves on what their ballot contains. She expressed thanks to any, all and every candidate for running-no matter the result. We will continue to support our endorsed Dems. She showed a graph that denoted non-party voters and stressed that we should increase the blue in our county.
Joyce Bourgault said we need to be mind-full of all our candidates. She sadly mentioned that a list is needed of candidates that still need help/money, sign delivery, lit, etc.
More discussion about strategies of where to give our money and be careful not to support non-party candidates.
Peg reminded that the Vote Center is now open for absentee voters.
She also stated that she accepted the resignation of Barb Berry as secretary, effective November 1. Anyone interested to fill the position, please reach out to her.
She showed a slide with the upcoming events.
Kyle Lewis spoke about the Delaware/Morrow County Mental Health issue that will be on the ballot. He said the program covers many needs. Please vote Yes and ask two others to also. Roger VanSickle moved that we endorse the levy, Louise Douce seconded. All agreed.
With no further business, Suzanne Binau moved to close and Steve Schottle seconded. This meeting was adjurned at 8:59 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Berry, Sec.