Executive Central Committee Meeting, October 17, 2024
The Delaware County Democratic Party held an Executive Committee Meeting on October 17th, 2024 at Delaware Township Hall. Present in the meeting were 63 individuals, 46 of which were on Executive Committee. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Chair Peg Watkins. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Eli Wenzel.
Old Business
Parliamentarian Liz Osorio provided a Roberts’ Rules refresher. Chair Peg Watkins asked for any changes or questions about the minutes from the September Executive Committee meeting. Central Committee Members Mary Kate Pembroke moved to approve the minutes and Stephen Schottel seconded the motion. Motion passed.
New Business
Ohio State School Board Candidate Rhonda Johnson spoke about her race and qualifications for office. She believes in fighting for high quality education of Ohio’s children as well as certifying competent, caring and highly qualified teachers for licensure. Central Committee member Tony Yankus moved to officially endorse Rhonda Johnson and Coe Huckabee seconded the motion. The motion passed with no discussion.
Treasurer Lisa Saponaro provided a quarterly Treasurer’s Report which covered spending on election signs, postage, slate cards and more. The Delaware County Democratic Party continues to offset its costs with incoming donations to support our work. Central Committee Member John Schmarr moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Linda Diamond seconded the motion.
Chair Peg Watkins thanked everyone who has volunteered their time to support our candidates this election cycle and help grow the party.
Campaign updates were provided by Jessica Parent for Jerrad Christian for US District 12, Dr. Rachael Morocco for Ohio House District 60, David Hogan for Ohio House District 61 and Tonya Griffith for Delaware County Recorder.
Central Committee Member Joyce Bourgault thanked volunteers for their help with the merchandise wagon. Chair Peg Watkins encouraged members to volunteer to hand out slate cards at the Board of Elections during Early Vote. Central Committee Member Linda Diamond moved to nominate Pamela Foster to Executive Committee. The motion was seconded by Emma Mirles Jones and Pamela Foster was sworn in to Executive Committee.
Finding no further new business, Central Committee member Vicki Huttenhoff moved to adjourn the meeting. Emma Jones seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Chair Peg Watkins adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Yoder, Secretary