Executive Central Committee Meeting, May 19, 2022
Minutes of the Delaware County Democratic Party Executive Committee
Regular Meeting
May 19, 2022, 7:00 p.m. Delaware Township Hall
The meeting was convened by Chair Peg Watkins. Chair Watkins asked for a volunteer to take minutes for the meeting in the absence of a party Secretary.
Chandler White led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
State Representative Jeff Crossman, running for Ohio Attorney General, gave brief remarks on his candidacy. Encouraged those present to visit his website: http://crossmanforohio.com
He has served two terms in the Ohio legislature. Also present was his Financial Manager, Millie Vaughan.
Approve April Meeting Minutes
Chair Watkins asked the committee for any revisions or additions to the previous meeting minutes. Brian Jaffe spoke on the clarity of majority or super majority within closing discussion in previous meeting. Louise Douce stated that there had been super majority, in fact, almost unanimous on the votes calling the question. Peg stated that the minutes will be revised to reflect that. Joe Diamond moved to approve the minutes as amended, Tamie Wilson seconded the motion, motion passed by unanimous vote.
Taylor Sappington, candidate for Ohio Auditor gave brief comments on his life and why he’s running for this office. Twitter: taylorinSEohio, website http://sappingtonforohio.com
Recognition of Candidates
Chair Watkins introduced the three local candidates in attendance:
- Tamie Wilson, Democratic nominee for US House District 4. Tamie provided her phone number: 614.531.9826and website: tamiewilson.com She stated that she needs volunteers, and she can be found on social media.
- Vera Thornhill, running for Delaware County Auditor is a new candidate and would appreciate support
- Louise Valentine, candidate for Ohio House District 61, which includes Lewis Center, Galena, Westerville, and other counties. Her website is: valentineforohio.com
Announcements and Committee Updates
Linda Diamond shared that Marianne Gabel will be moving to New Hampshire, after many years in Delaware. Marianne has been a very strong supporter of the party and the community and will be missed. A reception in for her and her husband Don Lateiner will be held on July 11th, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Strand Theatre in Delaware. All are welcome.
Peg congratulated the 76 party members who were elected to our Central Committee. She stated that the party organizational meeting would most likely take place on Thursday, June 2. She further explained that three officers will run for re-election: herself as Chair, Joydeep Gupta for the First Vice Chair position, and Holly Hanson for the Second Vice Chair position. Corey McCaffery will run for Party Secretary, and new party member Lisa Saponaro, will run for party Treasurer. If anyone else is interested in running for a party office, please email communications@ohiodeladems.org
Peg shared information from Don Swartwout, head of the Communications Committee. stated he was seeking volunteers to help with data entry, as well as an Instagram coordinator to manage social media on the platform. Traffic is up on the party website, there are new Facebook followers, traffic has increased there also.
Treasurer’s Report
Due to family matters, Roo Dirrig was absent and no Treasurer’s Report was presented to the committee.
Jenny Yoder, head of the Anti-Racism Committee, and Vice Chair Holly Hanson provided information about upcoming events. Ms. Yoder informed the committee that volunteers were needed for Delaware Pride and Juneteenth festivals. Signup genius is active on the party website: ohiodeladems.org for people to volunteer for June 4th Pride Festival, June 18 Juneteenth Celebration, and for the Powell Memorial Parade on May 30 (walkers are needed). Questions, see Holly or Jenny.
Peg added that volunteers are also needed for Delaware City’s First Friday and Westerville’s Fourth Friday events.
The Communications Committee is upgrading our website, and the new version will include information on local progressive organizations that may be of interest to party members.
The PROD – Precinct and Regional Organization and Development group will be gearing up for the August Primary and General Election. Regional groups will convene immediately after this meeting to plan next steps.
The Ohio Democratic Party has started training on VoteBuilder.
Joe Diamond noted that there was a gathering of judicial candidates in Delaware earlier this week, and he has some campaign materials from that event.
Brian Jaffe announced that Mindy Hedges is hosting a Watch Party for the first hearing of the January 6th Committee on June ___ at CoHatch in Delaware. 7 p.m.
Anthony Saadey, Board of Elections stated that the primary results will likely be certified on Tuesday, May 24. No recounts are expected to be required, though there may be ties for Republican Central Committee seats.
Steve Schottel moved to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Joe Diamond. The motion passed with a majority vote.
Respectfully submitted,