Executive Central Committee Meeting, August 18, 2022
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was opened by Chair Peg Watkins, at 7:09 pm. Attendance count verified a quorum.
Peg invited Mike Kabler to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Old Business
Secretary’s report – Minutes from both June and July were asked for comments or changes. July
meeting attendance didn’t have a quorum so approval was delayed. Therefore, both June & July were
approved together. Joe Diamond made the motion to approve, Mike Kabler seconded and the
members approved.
Treasurer’s report – Lisa Saponaro provided copies of the report. No questions asked. Steve Schottel
made the motion to approve, James Sipek seconded and the membership all agreed. Report was
approved as provided.
Peg introduced Tristina Allen, who will be our ODP Coordinated campaign director. She spoke briefly
and also introduced her supervisor Sam. She offered her availability for any questions.
Committee Reports
Julie Houston has agreed to chair the Fair Booth again this year but has appealed for help to cover
hours. The fair is from 9/17-24 and shifts will be about 2-3 hours at a time. Please see her to sign up
to help.
Sharon Emley has been coordinating the office we are sharing with Tamie. It is located next to the
Hamburger Inn. There has been an ask for any assistance to help defray the costs of the unit. Also,
Sharon requested consideration for us to obtain a reliable printer. After discussion about a purchase,
Joydeep made the motion to buy one up to the cost of $600. Jack Berlekamp seconded and all agreed.
Motion passed.
The Candidate Support Committee chair Joyce Bourgault reported that Tiffany & Vera have asked for financial help. She also made the motion that we endorse all our candidates. Emma Mirles Jones
seconded and motion was passed.
Peg asked for any nominations to Executive Committee. Cheryl Luce nominated Suzanne Binau,
Jenny Yoder nominated Kris Kettendorf. Both were approved.
Chair Peg’s report reminded that Absentee Ballot requests can be submitted at any time for the
November election. Also, keep in mind, next year local office openings will be open for candidates.
Please consider.
Region reports
Big Walnut – Kabler’s will be hosting a wine & cheese event in their barn
Buckeye Valley – Joyce referred to the School Board issues
Dublin/Powell/Concord – Lisa Perez reported they had a meeting June 15 that was well attended
Orange – Holly said they are getting organized, and have started monthly social get-togethers
Genoa – Marya getting organized and have plans to meet with the Westerville Progressives
Delaware – is in need of a rep – Peg asked for a short huddle to meet after the meeting
There will be a special event held on August 30 th , for Tim Ryan at the home of Joyce Bourgoult and she
is asking for help, especially to assist with parking.
Peg asked for any other information to share. Barb Berry expressed that Peg has asked her to bring
together a small committee of persons to expand on what will be referred to as The Care Committee.
She asked for anyone knowing someone the suffered a recent loss, is having any kind of health issues,
maybe needs some emotional support or just a kind word. We need to reach around the county and
contact her with that information. The committee will send a card or note of encouragement. Many
have expressed their appreciation for this small act of kindness.
Motion to adjourn was made by Holly Hanson, seconded by Suzanne Binau.
Meeting closed.
In the absence of Secretary Corey McCaffery
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Berry