Executive Central Committee Meeting, August 15, 2024

The Delaware County Democratic Party held a meeting on August 15, 2024 at 7pm at Delaware Township Hall. Present at the meeting were 60 individuals, 46 of whom were members of Executive Committee. Chair Peg Watkins called the meeting to order at 7:021 pm. Leslie Joiner led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Old Business

Parliamentarian Liz Osorio Jones led a Roberts Rules refresher about the six steps of a motion.

Meeting attendees were asked to approve the minutes from the July party meeting. Central Committee Members Stephen Schottel moved to approve the minutes and Vicki Huttenhoff seconded the motion.

New Business

Ohio Supreme Court Candidate Lisa Forbes spoke about the importance of voting for justices to protect democracy. Chair Peg Watkins gave a sign order update. Central Committee member Suzanne Binau gave an update on development and fundraising. This included surpassing the goal for the general fund and an update on the State Candidate fund. Central Committee member Joyce Bourgault spoke about the Candidate Support Committee and made a motion to increase funds for Candidate David Hogan by $550. David Simmons seconded the motion and the motion passed. 

Candidates David Hogan, Rachael Morocco and Jerrad Christian provided campaign updates. Secretary Jenny Yoder gave updates on  ODP Office staffing and the DelCo Divas for Democracy. Pat Meter spoke about volunteering to table at the Delaware County Fair in September. 

Vice Chair Holly Hanson gave a RAPID update which included upcoming regional meetings. Central Committee member Traci Wisard will be handling sign requests for our county as our Sign Coordinator.

Chair Peg Watkins provided an update on the Delaware County Board of Elections following their meeting on August 13th. Many bonds, issues and liquor options will be on the November ballot as well as bond issues for Buckeye Valley and Westerville City Schools. The Board has received nearly 4,000 ballot requests for the upcoming election so far. There are job opportunities at the board for registered Democrats as seasonal office employees, but we have enough poll workers for Election Day already. The Board will begin mailing Absentee Ballots on October 8th. Chair Peg Watkins encouraged candidates considering a 2025 run for office to begin going to meetings or committees to become informed about the office they are seeking.

The state Democratic party is recruiting volunteer poll observers to protect voter access.

Don Swartout gave a communications update which included changes to the volunteer form and the sign request form on the Delaware County Democrats website. 

Finding no further new business, Chandler White moved to adjourn the meeting. James Sipek seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Yoder, Secretary