Executive Central Committee Meeting, April 11, 2024

The Delaware County Democratic Party held an organizational meeting on April 11th 2024 at 7pm at Berlin Township Hall. Present in the meeting were 89 individuals, 61 of whom were members of Central Committee. Chair Watkins called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. After establishing quorum Nicholas Jackson led the committee in the pledge of allegiance.

Roberts Rules Refresher

The parliamentarian Liz Osorio Jones provided guidance on following Roberts Rules of Order to facilitate peaceful communication and action. Following the refresher Chair Watkins explained the meeting had to be held between 6-15 days following certification of official canvas results.

Oath of Office

Vice Mayor of Powell Heather Karr swore in elected Central Committee members. 

Joe Bjorkman moved to nominate Julie Houston as temporary chair. Seconded by Jenny Yoder. Motion passed unanimously. Temporary Chair Houston asked for nominations for temporary secretary. Peg Watkins moved to nominate Corey McCaffrey as temporary secretary since he did not intend to run for re-election. Seconded by Heather Karr. Temporary Chair Houston asked for nominations for Party Chair. Joe Bjorkman moved to nominate Peg Watkins as Party Chair and was seconded by Andrew Shaw. Temporary Chair Houston asked for any further nominations. Tony Yankus moved for nominations to be closed. The motion passed unanimously and Peg Watkins was elected Party Chair. Vice Mayor Karr swore in Peg Watkins as Chair. Chair Watkins thanked the committee and the leadership within it. 

Chair Watkins asked for nominations for First Vice Chair and explained it must be an individual of the opposite gender. Ed Helvey moved to nominate Joydeep Gupta as First Vice Chair and was seconded by  Joe Bjorkman. The motion passed unanimously. Vice Chair Gupta thanked the committee for his nomination. Chair Watkins asked for nominations for Second Vice Chair who must be an individual of the opposite gender from First Vice Chair. Jenny Yoder moved to nominate Holly Hanson and was seconded by Steve Schottel. The motion passed unanimously. Holly Hanson thanked the committee. Chair Watkins asked for nominations for Party Treasurer. Roo Dirrig nominated Lisa Saponaro and was seconded by Westerville Mayor Ken Wright. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Watkins asked for nominations for Party Secretary. Julie Houston moved to nominate Jenny Yoder as Party Secretary and was seconded by Rachael Espino. Motion passed unanimously. 

Create Executive Committee

Chair Watkins explained the county Central Committee serves as the core for Executive Committee and asked for a vote from the Central Committee to become the Executive Committee. The vote passed unanimously. Joe Bjorkman moved to adjourn the Central Committee Meeting and was seconded by Tony Yankus. The motion passed unanimously. Secretary Yoder began acting as secretary for the Executive Committee portion of the meeting. 

Executive Committee Organization

Liz Osorio Jones provided another Roberts Rules refresher. Chair Watkins informed the committee ex-officio officers and county wide candidates would be added as executive members. Chair Watkins informed the committee that she had a list of individuals to nominate for Executive Committee pursuant to the constitution and bylaws Article 3, Section 4.

Chair Watkins explained Delaware City was heavily represented and the list promoted geographic diversity within the regions. She further explained the list allowed for more young representation.  Joe Bjorkman moved to add the list of individuals to Executive Committee and was seconded by Roo Dirrig. Rob Katula asked if this was the only time executive committee members could be added. Chair Watkins stated that executive committee members could be added at future meetings. It was explained that the constitution states the chair can nominate individuals at the executive committee meeting and others could be added at any business meeting though it was recommended to get on the agenda prior to the meeting. She further explained that six of the individuals would be elected as precinct representatives and asked for a vote on the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The new members of Executive Committee were sworn in by Chair Watkins. 

Chair Watkins read off the precincts that were filled as well as the names of the at-large members.

Finding no further business, Andrew Shaw moved to adjourn the meeting. Ken Wright seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Corey McCaffrey, Outgoing Secretary 

Jenny Yoder, Secretary