At our regular Executive Committee meeting on January 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., we need to vote for one of the two Democrats to recommend to the Ohio Secretary of State to serve on the Delaware County Board of Elections. As you may know, I (Peg Watkins) currently hold this seat, and would like to continue for another four-year term. In order to ensure that this is a fair and open vote, I am reaching out to all of you to see if others have an interest in serving on the Board.

The Ohio Secretary of State has issued a directive to all County Boards of Election explaining our role in the election of members to a four-year term on the Board. By law, the executive committee meeting regarding the 2021 appointments must be held no earlier than December 30, 2020, and no later than February 13, 2021, so that the Secretary of State has the person’s name by February 16. Since we are already scheduled to meet on January 21, we can hold our election at that meeting. Members of the Executive Committee must be present on the Zoom to vote.

The Board’s function is to oversee all aspects of conducting elections in Delaware County, including staffing, budgeting, purchasing, resolving disputes on petitions, implementing directives from the Ohio Secretary of State, following Ohio and federal laws, and following court orders. In addition to two meetings per month during normal business hours, the Board spends much more time the month before and after an election, as well as on election days. The Board also holds formal hearings when voters file challenges to petitions to determine the validity of the claims. Occasionally, the Board will meet with the County Commissioners to discuss funding and major purchases. The job pays an annual stipend of a little over $13,000 along with the county benefit plan.

The seat is open to all Democratic electors who reside and are registered to vote in Delaware County. The vote on the recommendation will be by open vote of all Executive Committee members present at the January meeting of the Executive Committee.

My duty as chair is to guarantee that the process is open and fair. This is a campaign, so anyone who wants to be considered for the position should take advantage of communicating with party members before the meeting, but can also be nominated from the floor. In order to get information about your candidacy available to Executive Committee, please send an email to our communications team (, who will then forward it to all members of the Executive Committee.

For additional information, you may attend any meeting of the Board of Elections, which are open to the public. Meeting times and dates are posted on the BOE website. In January, the Board is scheduled to meet by Zoom on the 12th at 9:00 a.m. The Directive detailing this process can be found on the Secretary of State’s website here.

-Peg Watkins