Central Committee Meeting Minutes – November 2018
Attendance sheets reflected 44 members and 4 guests present. Tonight’s meeting opened at 7:45 pm with Peg singing the song “This Little Light of Mine” as she invited everyone to join in the singing.
Peg then asked Amy White-Predieri to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Peg began further by expressing appreciation and thanks to everyone for their efforts in the recent election. The Delaware County efforts made a huge impact on the outcome, in spite of our lack of gaining any positions. The facts are that the vote margins were much closer than ever before. Louise was only 3 points down. Her totals, although fell short, were impressive.
Peg encourages us to keep up the fight and remain working hard toward our winning vision.
Short comments were made by Barb Berry, Donna Sinclair & Brad Shimp. Barb spoke about the comments from voters that came into the vote center with Dem slate cards they received in the parking lot. Donna thanked all of the office staff that were always willing to assist and said with the busy time over, the office with be closed during the holidays. She also noted all the hours Cathi Kulik and her team worked at the BOE distributing slate cards. Brad said he was pleased to host one of the canvass stations, and he enjoyed meeting many new people.
Secretary report -The minutes were posted on the website and Peg asked for a motion to accept. Done so by Mindy Hedges and seconded by Spencer. Motion passed.
Treasurer – In the absence of John Schmarr, Peg reviewed the Treasurer’s report. With no questions or comments, Ed Helvey moved to accept and Mark Predeiri seconded. Motion passed.
Chair’s remarks – Peg stated that according to our by-laws we are required to have 3 committees – Auditing, Budgeting and Finance. Any additional committees are optional. She is working on getting those more organized and would entertain anyone interested in working on any committee.
Discussion shifted to the 2019 terms in the county up for election. She referred to the green County Directory which reflects all elected positions in the county, ie. City, townships, school boards, judgeships, etc. Anyone interested in possibly becoming a candidate, please consider talking to Peg, Aileen or Spencer for further information. Some of the positions are non-partisan, but Dems will have our support.
According to our by-laws, persons that attend 3 or more meetings can be presented to the membership for appointments. The floor took motions to add to our committee membership.
For that purpose, the following motions were made:
~ Ed Helvey moved to add Joydeep Gupta (Delaware) – seconded by Emma Mirles-Jones
~ Spencer moved to add Marian Jacques (3C) – seconded by Emma Mirles-Jones
~ Mindy moved to add Joe Diamond (4B) – seconded by Marianne Gabel
~ Ed also moved to add Pete Ottesen (Westerville) – seconded by Emma Mirles-Jones
~ Aileen moved to add Jenny Yoder (Orange) – seconded by Spencer
~ Mindy moved to add Brad Shimp (Liberty D) – seconded by Emma Mirles-Jones
Peg requested approval and all above motions carried as presented. Since the Oath of Office was not on hand – they will all be sworn in at the next meeting.
Spencer Dirrig presented with detailed statistics of the election outcome. It was noted that between 2008 and 2016, the highest midterm election vote share for any Democrat in Delaware County was 31.96% (for Governor Strickland in 2010). That record was shattered in the 2018 election with Louise Valentine earning 41.09% in Delaware County and U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown earning 47.40%. Louise Valentine improved upon the 2014 vote deficit in Delaware County with a positive 19.40% swing! While we came close to some incredible victories this year, we have shown that strong candidates with dedicated volunteers can, and will, turn Delaware County Blue!
Mindy has been making the plans for our ‘Holiday Party’ and she has already booked the Merrick Hall (Rm301) at Ohio Wesleyan. The date is Dec. 15, 5-8pm. She is asking anyone able to assist with décor, menu selections, etc. She encouraged bringing friends or guests. This event will take the place of our regular monthly meeting.
Greg Hankins is currently resting comfortably at home after undergoing open heart surgery. A phone call or card to cheer him is welcome.
Peg reiterated again – Recruit people! Let’s keep growing.
No further business – motion to adjourn was made by Mark Predieri and seconded by Donna Sinclair.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Berry