Central Committee Meeting Minutes – March 2019

The meeting of the Delaware County membership was called to order @ 7:40 pm. At the Willis Center Bldg. on March 21, 2019, by Chair Peg Watkins. There were 43 members & 5 guests in attendance.

Ron Baer was called upon to lead the group with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary report –  Minutes to the February meeting had been posted on the website for review.  Brian Jaffe requested those minutes to reflect that Georgia Tilton & Denise McCandless were sworn in last month as members of the committee ‘at-large’.  Correction so noted.  The minutes were then open for a motion to approve and so done by Lee Lybarger and seconded by Joydeep.  All favored and passed.

Treasurer’s report  –  Copies were provided and John explained the entries.  Motion was made by Greg Hankins and seconded by Emma Jones to accept.  All favored.  Duly noted.

Chair’s report –  Peg asked for anyone in attendance that may have attended 3 meetings and be considered to join as a central committee member.  No one in attendance at this time.

As Peg invited and welcomed four guest speakers, the theme for tonight’s meeting was about ‘Success stories’. 

Our first speaker was Frances O’Flaherty, local school board member.  She said she replaced a vacancy on the board and has served the community for 16 years.  As a teacher she enjoyed serving the schools working together with others in a non-partisan position.                                                                                                                                                                           Our next guest was Jim Browning, a newly elected Democrat after 1 year in the 3rd ward.  He encouraged considering ballot options for Democrats.

Tony Eufinger, a Paris Township (near Marysville) trustee from Union County was next.  He said most important is to LISTEN!  He started with his acronym of MOM.  His advice was for anyone considering running for office.   He said M = it’s important to have a Message, O = organize, don’t be afraid to get help, ie family, friends, etc.  They will be glad to support you, if you ask.  M = $$$ – generate your finances and spend wisely.  Yard signs are best when in yards of friends, rather than on street corners.  It portrays the personal support from them as they carry on your message. Also, the very personal approach is critical, knock on doors.

Amy Dutt, Buckeye Valley School Board member followed.  She said people reached out to her because of her community involvement and the passion for positive direction.  She remained with that positive platform even through social media.     

Peg once again stressed the importance of Democrats to consider being on the ballot, especially in positions that are termed this year.

Peg then recognized Roger VanSickle as a trustee and for his long time party involvement.  She introduced our current candidates Emma Jones, Joydeep Gupta, Heather Karr, Melanie Farkas.  Anyone interested would be welcomed to get involved in any of these campaigns.  They all are encouraged to raise monies and not rely only on personal funds.

Peg invited Amy Murphy from the Bd of Elections to speak.  Amy was once again asking for anyone interested in becoming a poll worker to contact her.  She still has some openings to fill.

Peg told the group that most precincts will have nothing for Democrats to vote for this primary, since there is only one Democrat running for a partisan office and no countywide issues.  Regional groups should research in their precincts for persons that would consider being on the ballot so there will be a Democrat presence on the ballot this fall.

Peg announced some changes at ODP – Colleen Lowry has left to pursue other interests and Bridget Dougherty has gotten a job in Cincinnati, which is where she lives.

Peg also commented that recently a longtime supporter, Kathryn Schwartz passed away and a memorial service will be held on Sunday April 14th.  Rayna added that the service will be at Willow Brook on the West side of town.  Also, Angela Wilkinson recently passed away.  Greg Hankins recently lost his mother also.  In addition, please remember Pat & Dave Staley, they are both at Willow Brook South.

New Business – David Carpenter shared his thoughts about “Walking the Talk”.  This comes in response to expressed opinions about our use of disposable water bottles and the environment.  This is a fair concern and justified anger, therefor the suggestion was made for a potential fundraiser.  That is to secure reusable bottles with our logo imprinted on them.  We can provide these water bottles to those who make a donation to the party (amount TBD). David has offered to help raise the funds for this project by matching contributions up to $100. That said an open pledge campaign went rampant and the following came about to great surprise. The final total generated $493.00.

Membership committee, Mindy & Brad reported that after making phone calls, their next approach will be to send out post cards.  Mindy stated that Brad kindly donated the cost of printing.  An information brochure has also been designed and was passed around for preview and comments.

Fund raising – Julie once again reminded about the movie ‘On the Basis of Sex’ about the early life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a fund raiser for the party and tickets are still available and also at the door. The movie scheduled at The Strand Theatre and doors open at 9:30 am for a 10:00 showing.   Discussion time after the movie will include Judge Patricia A. Delaney and her experiences. The Fresh Start Bakery will be open for gathering after that. Julie also mentioned that another fundraiser will be held in June or July – using the same “Catch a Rising Star” theme again.  It will be held on a Thursday in place of our regular meeting.

Peg announced the ODP Legacy Dinner.  John has secured 3 table reservations and tickets regularly at $250 can be reduced to $235 after a discount.   The featured speaker will be Nancy Pelosi. Please contact John or Peg if interested.

Greg Hankins has generously offered the use of his sound system for our meetings and any candidates that could use it for an event.  He has offered to assist if anyone needed guidance to use it.

Lee Lybarger stated that he has been compiling history and background on the Delaware County party and would welcome any information anyone could contribute.

There was no further business for this part of the meeting so a motion was made by Cheryl Luce to close this part of our meeting and it was seconded by Heather Karr.

The meeting adjourned and part 2 – the Region groups gathered for discussion and planning for the future.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Berry
