Executive Central Committee Meeting, July 18, 2024

The Delaware County Democratic Party held a meeting on July 18th, 2024 at 7pm at Delaware Township Hall. Present at the meeting were 62 individuals, 49 of whom were members of Executive Committee. Chair Peg Watkins called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Central Committee Member Vicki Huttenhoff led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Old Business

Meeting attendees were asked to approve the minutes from the June party meeting. Tony Yankus moved to approve the minutes and Suzanne Binau seconded the motion. Treasurer Lisa Saponaro presented the quarterly Treasurer’s Report which included income from our May Fundraiser and scholarship issued in May along with candidate funding in June.  Steve Schottel moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and James Sipek seconded the motion.

New Business

Linda Diamond is still collecting party donations and has a goal of 100% of Executive Committee members making some donation each year.

Peg Watkins reported that the ODP Family Reunion on July 13 was a well attended success. She stated the Ohio Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign office will open this Saturday, and that Jenny Yoder will be coordinating volunteers to help in the office. She stressed keeping the focus on our candidates and not being distracted by things we cannot control (looking at you, Joe Biden).

Pat Meter asked for volunteers for the Delaware County Fair and invited candidates to come to First Fridays to hand out literature. A new spin and win has been added for First Fridays and the Fair. Vice Chair Holly Hanson shared RAPID events that have been happening around the county to energize Democrats. Joyce Bourgault shared her trailer schedule to distribute yard signs, candidate literature, and other campaign materials for Delaware County. 

Jenny Yoder discussed the kickoff of the new Delaware Dems Women’s Group. Don Swartout provided a Communications update. Local candidates Tamie Wilson, David Hogan, Tonya Griffith, Garrett Sohnly and Jerrod Christian along with Lisa Saponaro representing Rachael Morocco all presented campaign updates. 

Peg also shared some data on past election results. Sherrod Brown got 38.68% of the vote in Delaware County in 2012 and 47.4% in 2018. He expects to WIN Delaware County this year – let’s do it! Tamie Wilson also increased the Democratic vote share for her congressional district when she ran in 2022 (45.85%) vs. our candidate in 2020 (40.59%).

Finding no further new business, Tamie Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting. Vicki Huttenhoff seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Yoder, Secretary