Executive Central Committee Meeting, June 20, 2024
The Delaware County Democratic Party held a meeting on June 20th, 2024 at 7pm at Delaware Township Hall. Present at the meeting were 47 individuals, 41 of whom were members of Executive Committee. Chair Peg Watkins called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Central Committee Member Doug Babcock led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Old Business
Meeting attendees were asked to approve the minutes from the May party meeting. John Schmarr moved to approve the minutes and Steve Schottel seconded the motion. Treasurer Lisa Saponaro reminded meeting attendees that the next quarterly Treasurer report will be in July.
New Business
Chair Peg Watkins discussed monthly donation emails as part of Party fundraising efforts. Vicki Huttenhoff shared that the Delaware Democratic Party’s logo wear fundraiser raised $502 for the party.
Local candidates David Hogan, Rachael Morocco, Tonya Griffith, and Tamie Wilson all presented campaign updates.
Pat Meter requested more volunteers for tabling at upcoming First Fridays in Delaware.
Don Swartwout provided a Communications update including a new link on the website with President Joe Biden’s accomplishments and a new social media team increasing our online presence in the community.
Chair Peg Watkins shared updates on election signs, office space, and upcoming events.
Finding no further new business, John Schmarr moved to adjourn the meeting. Tamie Wilson seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Yoder, Secretary