Executive Central Committee Meeting – July 2021
Tonight’s meeting was held at the Delaware County Township Hall with 46 members and 4 guests attending.
Chair Peg Watkins called the meeting to order promptly at 7:04 pm and she requested Heather Karr to lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary report – The minutes from the June meeting had been posted to the website for review. Secretary Barb Berry requested any questions, comments, additions or changes. None offered from the floor. Motion was made by Joe Diamond to accept the minutes as posted, seconded by Steve Schottle. All favored, no nays and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s report – Roo Dirrig was unable to attend but provided her report on the website for review. No questions, motion made by Louise Douce to accept and it was seconded by Melanie Karr. Motion passed by vote.
Chair report –
Peg talked about our growth and increase in various committees. She discussed the future calendar of events which is also posted on the website and also had some hard copies for pick up. If anyone is not currently signed up to get emails, please do so to get party info. A new committee is going to be formed to track the bills in the Ohio State House. Anyone interested in joining this committee can get in touch with Peg.
Prod – New co-chair Judy Carpenter said she and Jack will be planning a meeting soon and they will regroup as soon as possible. She is currently working on the “Good trouble vigil”. Also working with the Candidates & Campaign committee to search for Delaware City and school board candidates.
Anti-Racism – Jenny is on vacation and they are trying to build the book club.
Volunteer Co-ordinator – Peg introduced new member, Ken LaFountaine, who has offered to begin building a volunteer data base for selecting specific areas that people prefer to be involved in. He said people need to be engaged early so they will stay connected. A sheet was passed around to sign up. Ken stated that volunteers should be engaged as soon as they sign up so they stay connected. The effort intends to connect with folks at they level of interest and with precinct needs.
Peg then accepted a nomination by Anthony Saadey to appoint Corey McCaffery to the currently vacant precinct Delaware City 3A. Nomination was seconded by Ed Helvey and motion passed. Corey was sworn in by Chair Peg Watkins.
Peg also mentioned that the BOE is adding to additional precincts. Anthony Saadey confirmed those to be Delaware City 2H and Liberty O.
Events – Holly Hanson reminded of the ‘Catch a Rising Star’ event, August 5th at Little Bear Country Club. The menu plan is for grazing stations. She said plans are moving along and she gave assignments to event volunteers. She will meet with her volunteers after this meeting. Anyone is welcome to help. Postcards have been sent to some potential large donors. We are currently at about $5000.
She also appealed for help on Saturday’s clean-up day on our noted section of Polaris Parkway. Supplies and ponchos will be provided.
We plan to be visible at the Westerville First Fridays.
We will be taking part in the Fair this year and a sign-up will be added to the signup genius.
Peg requested attendance at the John Lewis vigil on Saturday evening, in support of voting rights. Marian Jacques, a former member, returning from D.C. to update us on news from there, should be attending. Also, Rev. King, a relative of Dr. Martin L. King is said to be the speaker. Andre Washington. ODP Vice Chair and Jen Miller, League of Women’s Voters are also scheduled. Everyone is encouraged to join also.
Judy Carpenter related that she has postcards for Melanie Farkas for anyone that can assist writing.
Heidi Yoder graciously expressed appreciation to Melanie Farkas for all she has devoted to the past year of Zoom meetings and the website.
With business matters completed, Peg recognized four candidates in attendance. She welcomed each of them to speak briefly and take questions, if any.
First to speak was Christina Drummond, running for Powell City Council.
Next speaker was Melanie and she repeated her request for everyone’s support.
The final candidate speaker was Niko Franano –running for Liberty Twp. Trustee. He has lived in the area for 9 yrs. With his wife and child and is a known local community activist with about 20 yrs. of public service experience including supporting Louise Valentine and Hillary Clinton. He took a few questions and reiterated being a strong steward of the community. He also commended Melanie for her efforts.
Peg – said that there are at least 2 possible candidate opportunities for Democrats to consider as in township trustees, school boards, council. Please consider running for an office. Help turn Delaware blue. Julie Houston questioned if anyone has filed for school board yet. Peg said Melissa Harris was running for school board, Jayna McDaniel was running for re-election and Mark Butler was running for Delaware City Council and Dave Martin is running for Sunbury City Council. Still looking for Olentangy School Board candidates. Anthony stated that the BOE updates daily any filings that they have recorded. Peg said that Holly will be on the ballot in November for Educational Service Center.
Mindy Hedges added that she and Pam Foster interviewed with the Sheriff’s department committee.
David Carpenter also interviewed recently for the opening on Delaware City Council but the seat was awarded to a Libertarian individual. David was pleased to have had the opportunity and learned a lot.
No additional business or discussion. Heather Karr made the motion to close the meeting, Steve Schottel seconded. All agreed – meeting closed at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Barbara Berry