Executive Committee Minutes – March 2021
Note: Again this month, due to the current Coronavirus situation, we are continuing to hold our regular monthly business meeting in the Zoom process
Executive / Central Committee Meeting March 18, 2021
As the screen shot welcomed members to the meeting, Liz Osorio, Parliamentarian, once again reminded everyone about the process of Robert’s Rules.
Chair Peg Watkins opened the meeting at 7:05 pm and noted 54 members attending at this time. She began with the group Pledge of Allegiance.
Peg started with old business.
Secretary report – Minutes from the February meeting were posted on the website for review. Open to the floor for any questions, comments or changes, none offered. Motion to accept as recorded was made by Melanie Farkas, seconded by Heather Karr. Motion passed by majority.
Treasurer’s report – Roo had screen shot for view and she explained the record. Activity was a little slower after outstanding and monthly business has been handled to date. She mentioned that most revenue was brought in through membership renewal. The motion to accept her report was made by Heather Karr and seconded by Cheryl Luce. Majority passed – the motion passed.
Peg welcomed and introduced Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley, as our invited guest speaker. Although he had not yet formally announced it, he openly shared his interest in the run for Ohio Governor. Born and raised in the Cincinnati area, he expressed his Irish, Catholic background that brought his dedication to doing the right thing and strong American values. He stated that his wife is of Jordanian decent and his 11 yr old son encouraged him to be a fighter for his beliefs. He shared a moving experience he recollected from his high school years that jarred him into politics early on. He stated he is dedicated to making “Right the Wrongs” in our lives today. He commended both Cincinnati and Delaware County for the recent growth in our party compared to the rest of the state. Most of Ohio has experienced a concerning decrease in the medium socio-economic area. Republican controls FAIL – Democratic policies WORK. Some of his effort is to build the medium income to $60K per year.
He took some questions and was grateful to share his time with us.
Peg stated that ODP is encouraging everyone to energize the party and reach out to potential candidates. We need to contest every race. Without candidates – we cannot win. She also mentioned that the BOE has scheduled a Candidate’s School so more information can be learned about how to run for office and the requirements involved.
Candidate School will be held at the Willis Bldg. March 31, 1:30-3:30 pm
Anyone interested in the process should call the BOE to hold a place. There are 50 openings available.
The next Focus Forward is scheduled 3/29 @ 7 pm to discuss __
Peg reminded that we will be electing a replacement for second Vice-chair since Aileen has had to resign. A screen shot outlined the process. She opened the floor to anyone interested to express such and encouraged to begin campaigning. No one voiced. That vote will take place at the April monthly meeting.
Committee Reports
Campaign and Candidates – Joyce Bourgault briefed on the progress of the subcommittees. More persons have become interested in joining and they continue to encourage members to seek out potential candidates.
Fund Raising – Newly appointed Holly Hanson is energized about some clever opportunities for the future. The first effort is the Happy Hour Comedy Time scheduled for this coming Tuesday. Cost is only $10 and an evening of laughs is expected. She has also reached out to other entities for new ideas to raise funds virtually. She has high hopes for the future.
PROD – Pam showed a screen shot of the new regions list and welcomed Patrick Carle and Karen Mittendorf as managers to the Dublin/Liberty/Powell region. She also gave kudos to Linda Diamond and Judy Carpenter for the very successful recent food bank. They were acknowledged locally on the radio and in the news.
Next matter of business was the Budget. Roo provided screen shots of the tentative plan showing dollars in reserves and requests from committees. It was reviewed and scheduled to vote in April. Questions included the why of not being able to provide dollars to candidates other than local. John Schmarr explained it is required to have a specific dedicated state candidate fund, which we do not have. It was difficult to project fund raising since Holly is new to the position.
Brian Jaffe raised his hand to clarify the May 4 election regarding the Powell tax issue. He indicated it is an increase. Heather Karr stated it is actually a restructuring of the current one.
Time was getting late, so Peg asked for any other matters. None said.
Motion was made to close the meeting promptly at 8:30 pm. Julie Houston made that motion and Jack Berlekamp seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Berry, Secretary